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About (The Translation)

In CATILINA, 2 How long will you abuse our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock To what end will your unbridled audacity of yours? Do not the nightly guards placed on the Palatine, the patrols of the city, nor the fear of the people, does not the gathering of all good men, does not this most fortified place of holding the senate, the standard of the faces and expressions of none of these things? Do not you feel that your plans are, do you not see that your conspiracy is already held by the knowledge of all these things? What is there, what you did last night, before, where you were, whom you summoned to, what advice you have taken by force, which you think we are ignorant of? Oh, Oh! Senate understands this. The consul sees; This still alive. Lives? aye, he comes even into the senate, he takes part in the public deliberations, notes and designates with his eyes to the slaughter each and every one of us. We are strong enough for political reporting, if we avoid that the rage and weapons of that man. You ought, O Catiline, by the command of the consul long ago should have been, to be brought a pestilence, among them, all of us, as you were in a long time already. Or is it that most illustrious man, Publius Scipio, the high priest that a great man, Tiberius. Gracchus, but slightly undermining the state of affairs as a private citizen, and killed him; We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. O Catiline, to be led by the order of the consul long ago should have been, to be brought a pestilence, among them, all of us, as you were in a long time already. Or is it that most illustrious man, Publius Scipio, the high priest that a great man, Tiberius. Gracchus, but slightly undermining the state of affairs as a private citizen, and killed him; We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. O Catiline, to be led by the order of the consul long ago should have been, to be brought a pestilence, among them, all of us, as you were in a long time already. Or is it that most illustrious man, Publius Scipio, the high priest that a great man, Tiberius. Gracchus, but slightly undermining the state of affairs as a private citizen, and killed him; We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. All we have to do in a long time already. Or is it that most illustrious man, Publius Scipio, the high priest that a great man, Tiberius. Gracchus, but slightly undermining the state of affairs as a private citizen, and killed him; We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. All we have to do in a long time already. Or is it that most illustrious man, Publius Scipio, the high priest that a great man, Tiberius. Gracchus, but slightly undermining the state of affairs as a private citizen, and killed him; We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. We were anxious to destroy the world with fire and slaughter tolerate? For I pass over older instances, such as how Caius Servilius, who designated Sp. The hand of his own hand slew Spurius Manlius, revolution in the state. There was, there was once such a power in this republic, that brave men would repress mischievous citizens with severer chastisement than the most bitter enemy. We have a decree of the senate against you, Catiline, a severe attack and a heavy thing, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. Catiline, a forceful and serious, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking. Catiline, a forceful and serious, it does not fail the republic, the advice nor the authority of this body; We, we say it openly, were lacking.